The Kingman Regional Medical Center (KRMC) Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation. Formed on October 23, 1985, the Foundation provides fundraising support to the hospital and community. As a separate entity from the hospital, the KRMC Foundation has its own Board of Directors who manage its goals and direction.
The mission of the KRMC Foundation is to partner with Kingman Regional Medical Center to foster goodwill and encourage local support in promoting a healthier community.
To make our mission a reality, the Foundation administers donations from individuals, corporations, and private foundations to improve access to healthcare in our rural community. With these generous gifts, the KRMC Foundation dedicates resources to a wide variety of community needs.
Some examples of KRMC Foundation initiatives include:
Meeting end-of-life needs
The KRMC Foundation provides financial support for operating the KRMC Joan & Diana Hospice Home, which serves people with limited life expectancy and their loved ones. It provides end-of-life comfort and support with services that address, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Fighting Breast Cancer
The KRMC Foundation sponsors the KRMC “Catch It Early” program to provide free mammograms and other breast health services to women in Mohave County. The goal of the program is to save lives by detecting breast cancer at an earlier, more survivable stage.
Helping people stay active and healthy
The KRMC Foundation provides scholarships to the Del E. Webb Wellness Center for qualified individuals who cannot afford a membership .
Supporting tomorrow’s nurses
To help meet our community’s continuing need for skilled nurses, the KRMC Foundation funds scholarships to assist nursing students with their educational costs.
Your donation makes a difference in our community!
Contributions to the KRMC Foundation fund various projects and initiatives that enhance health and quality-of-life in our community. Many of these initiatives benefit our most vulnerable citizens including children, elderly, individuals in poor health, and individuals in socioeconomic distress.
Individuals or groups may support the KRMC Foundation through a number of giving opportunities and fundraising activities. Your contribution is tax-deductible and remains “at home” to serve the needs of our immediate community.